Whatever happened to Stringbean?

Posted: August 8, 2012 in 21st Century, Rock n Roll

Gary Walchuk at a family gathering in 2012.

Between the years 1975 and 1978, Sparkling Apple consisted of Captain Maniac on drums, Art the Fart the Heavy Metal Kid on guitar, and Stringbean on bass (real name Gary Walchuk).

From 1975 promo: “On the Fender Bass: the amazing STRINGBEAN. This master of ohm-burning thunder on the basso profundo has levelled nearly every bar on this planet.”

So aging relics from those thrilling days of yesteryear have asked us, “Whatever happened to Stringbean?” The last time we saw hide or hair of him was at Rosie’s birthday party two years ago at Donegal’s in Surrey, where Sparkling Apple reunited for a couple of sets. Stringbean was in the audience, and we invited him up on the stage to jam with us on “Boney Maronie”. This was a song he used to sing when he was in the band, but as he’d forgotten the lyrics, Art had to improvise! The Bean reminded us of an old cartoon that I’d drawn years ago, featuring Sparkling Apple as frail and decrepit seniors in the future, complete with wheelchairs — rockers with walkers. He announced, “And now that day has come”! For photos of that occasion, go here.

Well, after considerable medical issues, Stringbean is alive and well in Hatzic, BC (near Mission), where up until recently he was the proud owner of a Corvette (seen below). He was recently at his brother’s wedding (Walt Walchuk of the Free Time Band, although we knew him as Wally!).

My question is: does the “Mud-1” license plate refer to Mudbone (from the Richard Pryor character)?

Gary Walchuk at the Surrey Arts Centre in 1975

Gary Walchuk at the Stardust Roller Rink in 1975

  1. So now that Gary’s Corvette has been sold, did he get a replacement vehicle? I remember when he bought Sven’s Monte Carlo way back when.

  2. Anonymous says:


  3. Gary Walchuk says:

    im alive looking 4 a good uesd car our truck and 1 good lady garywalchuk@yahoo.com ph 604 302 5762

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